Quelle: ABC Bristol – Kevan befindet sich seit über 8 Jahren in Einzelhaft wegen eines Jusitzirrtums und der rassistischen Willkür des Rechtssystems.
Kevan has been kept in solitary confinement for over 8 years. You can read more about his case here. The majority has been inside the UK’s Close Supervision Centres – prisons within prisons. He has now been moved to a segregation unit at HMP Long Lartin that has even worse conditions.
Since being moved to HMP Long Lartin, with no explanation or justification, Kevan has been kept in solitary confinement in the segregation wing. He has been given no indication as to when he will be moved to general population, as segregation is not meant to be used indefinitely. All this, in spite of recommendations from a psychologist that he should be moved to general population.
As well as being deprived of human contact, Kevan’s visits have been unofficially restricted to a closed visit behind a screen. He has no hot water in his cell, and no toilet seat, lid or privacy screen.